The School of Prophets

The prophetic ministry of The Tabernacle is about igniting purpose, hope, and identity through the gift of prophecy. We are passionate about teaching, equipping, and activating believers in the gift of prophecy and words of knowledge in the local church at The Tabernacle and then to churches around the world. The heartbeat of prophetic ministry is anchored in 1 Corinthians 14 – “Pursue love and earnestly desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy” and it is our mission to see men and women rise up in the prophetic.

The School of the Prophets has deep roots in biblical history. In the Old Testament, the prophet Samuel started a school for the purpose of training young prophets. Elisha succeeded Samuel as the head of the school. Our goal for this one-year, intensive training is to help facilitate prophetic ministry in local churches and ministries. We hope to help develop prophets and prophetesses who can effectively work with five-fold leadership teams to see the history of their cities rewritten.

One of the greatest challenges for a prophetic person has been to find and be connected to a healthy community. We believe that prophetic people find their greatest expression and anointing when rightly connected to healthy leadership, community and training. So, the heart at The Tabernacle is to connect, equip and train the prophetic community.

The Tabernacle School of Prophets is open to the community. You will be openly invited to connect and learn with other believers of like heart. Complete the Prophetic School Application for an interview. For more information about times and dates go to School of Prophets 2022.

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